A little girl sitting on the grass, one of her arms is around her dog who is standing proudly next to her. They are enjoying the day in the sun. Protecting your family naturally is easy with Minus Bite's plant-based pest repellents. Keeping bugs and other intruders away with safe, non-toxic solutions.

It’s All Natural!

Safe and effective all natural pest repellents powered by nature. For a healthier home and happier family (including pets!)



Bug Spray



Pet Wipes

minus bite flea and tick wipes for cats and dogs


Plant Spray



Nature’s Way to Keep Pests at Bay

Say “goodbye” to harmful chemicals and toxins with Minus Bite’s all natural pest repellents.

Our plant-based, food grade formulas are made with carefully selected essential oils to provide an effective and safe solution for all your pest control needs.

Whether you’re dealing with mosquitoes, ants, rodents or other pests, Minus Bite’s all-natural pest repellents are the safe and effective solution you need.

Protect Your Home and Family

As a homeowner, the safety of your family is your top priority. That’s why Minus Bite’s non-toxic pest repellents are the ideal choice for keeping your home pest-free.

Our all-natural formulas are safe to use indoors around children and pets, giving you peace of mind knowing that you’re not exposing your loved ones to harmful chemicals.

Eco-Friendly Pest Control

Our formulas are plant-based, food grade and non-toxic, safe and gentle for the environment.

Our all-natural pest repellents are biodegradable, which means they will break down naturally and won’t leave any harmful residues in the environment.

You can keep your home pest-free while protecting the environment.

Sustainable and Safe

Minus Bite Pest Repellents use only natural and hand-selected ingredients that are of the purest and most natural form.

We believe in the power of nature and strive to create products that are not only effective but also environmentally conscious.

We focus on the sustainable harvest and use of oils, sourcing our products from over 40 different countries.

Natural and Effective Pest Repellents

The essential oils in our repellents are carefully chosen for their effectiveness in repelling pests, as well as their natural and sustainable properties.

We prioritize the use of natural and organic ingredients to create  products that are safe for you and the environment.

Our Biochemist who created these products for his own home and family made sure that only the best and most natural ingredients were used.

Commitment to Natural Pest Solutions

With Minus Bite Pest Repellents, you can be assured that you are using a product that is safe, effective, and environmentally friendly.

We are committed to providing natural solutions for pest control, and we believe that our carefully selected ingredients set us apart from other products on the market.

Try Minus Bite Pest Repellents today and experience the power of nature in repelling pests.


Family Bundle Advertising for Minus Bite all natural pest repellents. Be bug free naturally with bug spray and pet wipes. The bugs won't even know you are there. A family of 4 standing on a dirt road next to a wooden fence and a big brown horse standing in the middle of the family.


All-Natural Pest Repellents:

The Solution to Your Mosquito and Rodent Problems Without the Harsh Chemicals

some MINUS BITE userslaughing

Meet Link. He is a big fan of Minus Bite Pet wipes. He uses them everyday. A happy dog being wiped down with his all natural Minus Bite wipes.

♥ Meet Lincoln ♥

A dog standing on the grass waiting to be wiped down with Minus Bite all natural pet flea & tick wipes. His owner is pulling a wipe out of the container to wipe him down for their walk.

♥ Meet Percy Jackson ♥

Setting up a Maintenance plan is easy with Minus Bite. Use as directed to prevent and cure all pest problems.

From our blog…

An article published by Minus Bite. The dangers of traditional flea and tick medication. As pet owners, we all want to keep our furry friends healthy and happy, and protecting them from fleas and ticks is a top priority. But did you know that some traditional flea and tick medication can actually do more harm than good?

Traditional Bug Sprays and Chlorine:

A toddler swimming in a pool. Traditional Bug Sprays and Chlorine: A Dangerous Combination

A Dangerous Combination

Minus Bite Publication  Ι  May 1, 2023

Breathe Easy:

The Science Behind Minus Bite Ant Spray’s All-Natural Ant-Repelling Ingredients

How Using Natural Bug Spray Can Help Prevent Respiratory Problems

Minus Bite Publication  Ι  May 2, 2023

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